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January 2019

'Keep Calm Point' has a new name and owner


ABOVE: Nicola Brusò's Keep Calm Point (shown here, downhill from the Venezia Santa Lucia Railroad Station's side exit) is no longer in business, but a new owner has taken over the space.

Updated March, 2019

Keep Calm Point, a privately-owned Deposito Bagagli office and souvenir shop next to Venice's Santa Lucia Railroad Station, closed its doors on January 1, 2019.

Still, there's some good news: Luggage storage is still available at the same location, under new management, with fees in 2019 of 6 euros for a carry-on bag and  8 euros for a larger suitcase. Depending on how long you plan to leave your bag, this could be cheaper than the official Deposito Bagagli office inside the station near Track 1. (One thing to keep in mind, though: The station's baggage office is open until 11 p.m., compared to only 7 p.m. for the alternative featured here.)

Here's what to look for as you come out the station's side exit and walk down the gently sloping pavement toward the water:

Venice luggage storage by Venezia Santa Lucia railroad station

For more storage options in Venice (including the Piazzale Roma, Marco Polo Airport, and other locations), see our comprehensive Luggage Storage in Venice article at Veniceforvisitors.com or our guide to Luggage Lockers in Venice at the same site.