New and improved: Venice Hotel Directions
Venice in one day

Venice Airport to Train Station (and vice versa)

Delta 767 in Venice, Italy

ABOVE: A Delta Air Lines 767flies over the Venetian Lagoon on its approach to Venice Marco Polo Airport.

Not long ago, a reader e-mailed us with the question, "How can I get from Marco Polo Airport to the Venice train station?"

The answer was more complicated than you might guess, because there's no road access to Venice's Santa Lucia Railroad Station. Instead, the easiest way to reach the station is to take a bus or taxi from the airport to Piazzale Roma (at the edge of Venice's historic center) and walk across a bridge to the station. Total travel time, including walking, is 25 to 30 minutes.

Inspired by our reader's question, we've now put together two sets of step-by-step directions with satellite maps:

(Both articles also discuss an alternative: using Venezia Mestre Railroad Station on the mainland, which also is served by frequent airport buses.)


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