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imob.venezia is now the Venezia Unica city pass

imob.venezia card

PHOTO: The new Venezia Unica card is a rebranded version of the imob.venezia card shown here. (If you have a valid imob.venezia card, you can have it "enabled" as a Venezia Unica card free of charge.)

If you're a regular visitor to Venice, you probably know that the imob.venezia stored-value transit card has offered huge discounts on public transportation for the last several years. "Cartavenezia" fares, which have been available only to imob.venezia cardholders, are a fraction of the single-fare and Tourist Travel Card rates that most visitors pay.

The discounted fares are still available, but the stored-value card is now called the "Venezia Unica city pass," and it offers a few more features than the old imob.venezia version did. (Probably the most important feature for non-residents is the ability to recharge the card with fares online.)

For more information, see our Venezia Unica city pass article at Veniceforvisitors.com.


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Hello Cheryl and Durrant, Do you know if the Unica card admits one to the chorusvenezia churches?

Durant and Cheryl Imboden

Andrew: It may. At this point, Venezia Unica is merely saying that it will be usable for "museums and churches," but since churches other than the Chorus Venezia churches are free, there's an implication that it will work with Chorus Venezia churches.

As Venezia Unica gets its act together and adds more services, cardholders will have the option of buying "packages" or "a la carte services," so it's possible that one of those "a la carte services" will simply be the Chorus Pass. In other words, there may not be any savings for cardholders: just slightly more convenience.


Thanks. Sorry I misspelt your name Durant!

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