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200+ mobile pages at m.veniceforvisitors.com

Mobile smartphone user in Venice, Italy

Do you plan trips on your smartphone, or do you plan to bring your iPhone, Android phone, or Windows phone with you to Venice? If so, take a look at our new Venice for Visitors mobile section at m.veniceforvisitors.com.

m.veniceforvisitors.com bannerWe've edited, reformatted, and (in some cases) rewritten more than 200 of our most popular and informative pages for display on smartphones.

The pages are designed for easy reading when you're holding your phone vertically. We've even made the menu text larger, with more vertical space between menu items, to make site navigation easier.

In addition, we've made our main site at veniceforvisitors.com easier to read if you're using a full-size or mini-tablet such as the iPad, iPad Mini, or Nexus 7. Our goal is to provide you with the most comprehensive Venice travel information on the Web, whether you're using a desktop computer, a laptop or netbook, a tablet, or a smartphone.

Travel tip: When you're in Venice, you can save money by disabling cellular roaming and using Wi-Fi whenever possible. Venice's municipal Wi-Fi network is affordable and offers decent, if limited, coverage. For more information, see:

Venice Wi-Fi network (PC and tablet-friendly page)

Venice Wi-Fi network (smartphone-friendly page)


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