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October 2011

New ACTV route numbers

Venice No. 2 vaporetto at Piazzale Roma7

ABOVE: A Linea 1 (Grand Canal local) vaporetto at the Piazzale Roma station.

On  November 2, ACTV--the agency that operates Venice's water buses--changed some of its route numbers. This means that transit information on many existing Venice maps, Venice guidebooks, and Web sites such as TripAdvisor or Wikitravel is now obsolete.

Two of the most popular vaporetto lines (1 and 2) keep their existing numbers, but new numbers for several other lines may cause confusion:

For example, the LN lagoon route to Murano and Burano is now Line 12,  the DM ("Direct Murano") route has become Line 3, and Line 25 (the water bus between the San Giuliano car park and Venice's historic center) is now Line 21.

To view or print an updated list of vaporetto, motoscafo, and motonave lines, see this article at Veniceforvisitors.com:

If you're a first-time visitor to Venice, you may also find our introductory article helpful:

The ACTV has also juggled the locations of some vaporetto platforms at major stations such as Piazzale Roma and Rialto. This won't cause confusion unless you're a regular user of Venice's water buses, and in any case, each large station should have a "Mappa Degli Approdi" (Map of Waterbus Stops) to make the platforms for different boat routes easy to find.

Updated November, 2011