Pescheria (Rialto Fish Market)
Venice airport luggage carts

The yacht VAJOLIROJA, take 3

Vajoliroja and Oceania Insignia in Venice
ABOVE: Vajoliroja is moored near the Oceania cruise ship Insignia in Venice. 

Johnny Depp's yacht Vajoliroja reportedly took the actor and his family on an outing yesterday, and today the vessel is moored once again on Venice's Zattere.

This time, however, the aft saloon and sundeck have been fitted with privacy screens to protect the reclusive star from prying eyes and camera lenses:

Privacy screens on the VAJOLIROJA
 Red-shirted crew members continue to keep the yacht shipshape:

A few steps away, in the Billa supermarket on the Zattere, Johnny's Italian fans (both human and canine) have been hoping to catch a glimpse of the former Captain Jack Sparrow filling his shopping cart with Cap'n Crunch:

Dog in Billa supermarket


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