Paparazzi on the Grand Canal
Artifex mask studio: an artisans' workshop

Palazzo Mocenigo, a.k.a. Ca' Brangelina

Palazzo Mocenigo - Ca' Brangelina
During their stay in Venice for the shooting of The Tourist (starring Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie), the Pitt-Jolie clan are bunking down in the Palazzo Mocenigo, an 18th Century palace on the Grand Canal. Paparazzi have staked out the palace (see our "Paparazzi on the Grand Canal" post about a chase scene on February 21), and this morning Cheryl joined their ranks before Brad and Angelina left on a short trip to Paris.

 Maggie watches for Brad and Angelina
With the help of Maggie, our trained celebrity hound, Cheryl directed her Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZS3 camera at Ca' Brangelina from the San Tomà vaporetto stop on the opposite side of the Grand Canal.

 Palazzo Mocenigo water entrance without Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie
Cheryl wasn't deterred by the privacy screen at the Palazzo Mocenigo's water entrance--it might offer some protection to the star couple and their family, but it would be no match for a patient photographer with a telephoto lens and an alert celebrity-spotting dog.

Traghetto and Palazzo Mocenigo
Cheryl snapped this photo of a traghetto passing the royal couple's house. (Did Cheryl and the gondolier spot one of the royal couple's children peeking around the privacy screen as the boat glided by? We aren't telling, and we aren't showing anything, either. All of our digital images are being processed with the Photoshop Celebrity Removal Filter: For us, the thrill is in the chase, not in revealing the private lives of Hollywood stars.)


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